Valentine’s Day/Weekend

Woohoo! It’s Valentine’s Weekend!

One year we held a Valentine’s Day wagon wine-tasting tour. The weather was glorious. One of our stops was Frichette and they had all of their roll-up doors open and people were out on the patio.

We never dared tempt fate that way again. And, you know, that’s just as well after the last couple of winters we’ve had!

This Valentine’s Day Weekend we’ve focused our efforts on the winery. We figured there couldn’t be anything much cozier than making S’mores over a campfire and doing a little wine tasting.  (Noon to 5:30, Friday 2/14 through Monday 2/17)

The S’Mores research entailed all that you’d hope owning a winery could: we drank wine and tried a bunch of different chocolates and s’mores combos.

What no one will tell you about this research is that the sugar hangover afterwards is far worse than any wine hangover. My blood felt like thick corn syrup and I just couldn’t shake the grogginess. I don’t recall this being an issue in my younger years, do you? Didn’t we eat pound after pound of Halloween candy when we were supposed to be in bed, and wake up feeling none the worse for wear? Our parents might argue that is not how it went down.

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