The Horse Protest

I don’t know why they do it.  They get out of their “area” and then just wander around, either grazing or trying to get back in to their “area”.  But, they’re afraid of crossing where the fence USED to be (prior to aforementioned escape) and so they just mill about.  

It’s like they’re making a statement.  “We only stay here because we CHOOSE to.  And, hay.”  

I wonder if it’s a horse-equivalent of bra-burning.  Is it a statement designed to strike an emotional chord, make people take notice, prove a point?  Fences, apparently like brassieres, are a symbol of oppression.  

Mostly, we have the fences to keep the horses somewhat organized and out of our house.  You know Journey would march right in and camp out on the sofa if given the chance, and that is NOT a horse that I want in charge of the t.v. remote.  She’s definitely the type to watch Jerry Springer all day.

Honestly, the most likely scenario is that they are fooling around in their pen and someone slips and knocks the wire down, struggles to their feet, and realizes they are outside their enclosure.  A small party ensues, followed by the realization that they are on the wrong side of the fence from the hay.  Then it’s all abject terror and running around with their tails in the air until we let them back in.

My little herd of fence-crashers is teaching me patience.  

So much patience.

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