Stuff We Did

My goal this week is to not use the word “busy”.  It’s so meaningless.  

We aren’t getting too many days off from riding and tours, and that’s just fine.  Today was the first in a little while.  Even our days off are filled with email, phone, and other businessy things.

I slept in.  

I mean, it was a marathon of sleep.  It was an ultra-marathon of sleep.  It was a gold-medal worthy sleeping effort by me, and possibly my crowning achievement.  That should tell you a lot — that if there were ever such a thing as the sloth-olympics, I’d represent the U.S. very well.

Jeff and I were both moving slow this morning, thanks to a long night of sleep and a couple of glasses of wine at Kiona yesterday evening with Scott and Vicky and the awesome staff at Kiona Vineyards.  We came home last night with a little happy buzz and fixed dinner together — hamburgers smothered in veggies.  The other thing I could get a gold medal in is “eating”.  I’d probably take a silver in “lack of napkin use”.  I wouldn’t even podium for my belching though.  

I lingered over my journal and coffee a little too long this morning before receiving a call from my neighbor Eve that her sister was home from the hospital and jonesing for more of my chicken broth.  I make it in large quantities and can it.  With only a pint left in the pantry, I focused my efforts for the day on making some broth.  

The problem with my broth is that it’s never the same.  If I wrote a recipe for it it’d be, “clean out the freezer, simmer all afternoon.”  Whenever I cut up or peel any veggies, I throw the scraps in a ziploc bag in the freezer.  Today’s broth was heavy on peppers and onions, along with some asparagus ends, celery, carrots, and herbs.  

Ran to town to do some banking and pick up a couple of things at the store.  Scheduled staff for the week, prepped for a couple of tours, did a few dishes…

It’s 11:30 pm as I write this and my brain is completely unwilling to turn off.  

That’s a bummer, because the rest of me is looking forward to getting horizontal.

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